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Daily Digest

Summer Events, 2011

Updated as of Saturday, August 13, 2011

General Meetings
Committee Meetings
Service Events
Fundraising Events
Kiwanis Family Events
MD&E Events
Social Events

If you don't know your way, please call a board member and we'll do our best to guide you!

If you would like to attend an event, feel free to call the corresponding contact information! We'd love for you to join us in any of our events! All events are also posted on the "Events Calendar" under Events on the website!

Please click here if you are interested in signing up for any events or want to view attendees.

General Meetings

Have a lot of free time during the summer or just tired of summer classes? Take a break and meet up with UCLA Circle K for our summer general meetings!

LAST Summer General Meeting: Thursday, August 25
Meet Up Location: Wilson Plaza at UCLA
Time: 6:00 pm
Contact: Neil Yonzon (310) 895-8916 or David Limjoco (619) 791-4527
Make the end of your summer fun with our LAST summer general meeting! We'll be having a mini potluck so please bring food to share if you can. Don't miss out!
Oh, and did we forget to mention that we'll be playing Human Vs. Zombies afterwards? 
During the meeting we will be
- having a mini potluck
- raffling out prizes!
- having a fun ice breaker
- reviewing past and upcoming events
- revealing MORE new and exciting projects and events for this upcoming year.
Facebook Event Page

Third General Meeting: Thursday, August 4
Meet Up Location: Bruin Plaza at UCLA
Time: 6:00 pm
Contact: Neil Yonzon (310) 895-8916 or David Limjoco (619) 791-4527
We're expecting a full house because we're inviting the Kiwanians, CAYP Kiwanians and our local Key Clubbers.
During the meeting we will be
- raffling out prizes!
- having a fun ice breaker catering to all Kiwanis family
- reviewing past and upcoming events
- revealing new and exciting projects and events for this upcoming year. 
- practicing a cheer
Facebook Event Page

Second General Meeting: Thursday, July 14
Meet Up Location: Wilson Plaza at UCLA
Time: 6:00 pm
Contact: Neil Yonzon (310) 895-8916 or David Limjoco (619) 791-4527
During and after the meeting we will be... 
1. Reviewing past and upcoming events. 
2. Having an icebreaker
3. Revealing NEW and exciting events and projects for the new school year. 
4. Teaching a new UCLA CKI cheer. 
**Service Opportunity!**
5. Distributing food to the homeless in Westwood. 
Facebook Event Page

First General Meeting: Thursday, June 30
Meet Up Location: Bruin Cafe
Time: 6:00 pm
Contact: Neil Yonzon (310) 895-8916 or David Limjoco (619) 791-4527
During and after the meeting we will be...
1. Reviewing upcoming events
2. Having a brief open discussion for what YOU, as a member, want to see during general meetings. 
3. Geocaching/Food social 
(don't know what geocaching is? come and check it out!)
Facebook Event Page

Committee Meetings

No meetings for the summer! However, if you are interested in any of the committees, please contact the following:

Fundraising: Garvey Su (626) 636-6299 or Gerard Gaw (626) 251-6713
Historian: Diane Santos (562) 334-6311
Kiwanis Family: Connie Lam (626) 607-9569 or Brian Kan (818) 334-0328
Membership Development & Education: Alexander Pham (858) 610-2773
Pillow Fight: Tami Bi (909) 963-2179
Public Relations: Sirivalli Chamarti (973) 462-5432 or Jennifer Lai (714) 675-5327
Service: Jamie Tran (714) 417-2415 or Jaimie Yap (702) 839-8773
Social, Spirit, and Sunshine: Theresa Phan (714) 383-5496 or Elizabeth Ly (714) 383-0100
Technology: Rich Ung (323) 712-0668

We also have Facebook Groups for some committees, which are updated throughout the summer. So join NOW!

Kiwanis Family
Social, Spirit, Sunshine

Service Events

Please note that the general area of these events will be noted in brackets as follows: Los Angeles = [LA], San Gabriel Valley = [SGV] and Orange County = [OC].

If you’re interested in attending any of these events, please contact the event chair immediately! Thanks :D

Or click here to view and sign up for service events on our constantly updated spreadsheet!

[LA] Meal Service with Union Rescue Mission
When: Monday, August 15, 2011 @ 4:45 pm - 8:30 pm
Meeting Location: De Neve Turnaround
Contact: Jaimie Yap (702) 839-8773
Description: Get your hairnets and aprons on because we will be cooking a hot meal for the poor and homeless! 

[LA] Reading to Kids
When: Saturday, August 13, 2011 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Meeting Location: De Neve Turnaround
Contact: Jaimie Yap (702) 839-8773
Description: Can’t stand reading your textbooks for summer school? You could read pictures books to the kids of Magnolia Elementary instead! We’re reading to them to encourage a love of reading and to improve literacy.

[LA] Friday Night Fever with BCR
When: Friday, August 12, 2011 @ 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Meeting Location: De Neve Turnaround
Contact: Jaimie Yap (702) 839-8773
Description: Wanna get your groove on? We’ll be helping BCR set up and host their monthly dance for mentally disabled teens and adults!

[LA] Reading to Kids
When: Saturday, July 9, 2011 @ 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: De Neve Turnaround
Contact: TBA
Description: Share the fun of being hooked on phonics by reading to students from Los Angeles Elementary! Not only will we be increasing their vocabularies, but we’ll also be helping them get their creative side on with arts and crafts. Grab a book or some crafting supplies and make a difference in these kids’ lives!

[OC] Beach Cleanup at Bolsa Chica State Beach
When: Saturday, July 9, 2011 @ 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Bolsa Chica State Beach
Contact: Jamie Tran (714)417-2415
Description: Help make Bolsa Chica State Beach stay a friendly and clean beach! We’ll be working with the Surfrider Foundation to ensure the beach stays clean. Parking will be free at Warner and PCH. 

[LA] Friends of Animals
When: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 @ 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Ackerman Turnaround
Contact: Jaimie Yap (702)839-8773
Description: Do you miss your pet at home? Mom and Dad wouldn't let you have a pet? Come out to walk rescued dogs and give them the love they need so they can find acaring home! Bring $2 for the bus!


Fundraising Events

Malibu Kiwanis Chili Cook-Off
When: Sept. 3 and Sept. 4
Meeting Location: TBA
Contact: Garvey Su (626) 636-6299
Description: Come help sell delicious chili made by our very own  faculty advisor, Rich Thigpen, at this event hosted by Malibu Kiwanis! We need 3-6 volunteers for each day!

AH Yard Sale
When: August 13th, 7:30am - 12:00pm
Where: 462 S. Alexandria Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90020
Meeting Location: DeNeve Turnaround
Chair: Tami Bi (909)963-2179
Description: Alexandria is having their monthly yard sale! Come out and help them set up and sell stuff. If you are moving into an apartment, this would be a great opportunity to get some cheap furniture and what not!

AH Lemonade Sale/Tour
Chair: Tami Bi (9090963-2179 / Jennifer Lai (714)675-5327
When: August 10th, 10:00am-3:30pm
Where: Bruin Walk
Meeting Location: Bruin Plaza
Chair: Tami Bi (909)963-2179
Description: The kids from Alexandria House will be coming to UCLA to have a mini fundraiser to raise money for their summer activities. Come out and help them sell some refreshing strawberry lemonade. In addition, we will also be giving them a tour of our lovely campus and answer any questions they have about college.

TV Tapings
When: All summer long!
Meeting Location: Various
Contact: Gerard Gaw (626) 251-6713, Garvey Su (626) 636-6299
Description: TV Tapings are going to happen all summer long! We attend filmings of game shows or sitcoms as part of an audience and earn money for our club for doing it! What better way to spend the summer than watching sneak previews of shows with Circle K and getting money for it? Contact the Fundraising Chairs to find out how to be updated with all of the dates and times of TV Tapings!

Kiwanis Family Events

Fiesta La Ballona
When: August 27th AND 28th, 7:15 AM - 12:30PM
Where: Veterans Memorial Park @ Culver City
Meeting Location:  De Neve Turnaround
Description: FIesta La Ballona celebrates the region’s early settlers. There will be games, shows, and more! Come spend the morning helping Culver City Kiwanis run their game booth!

Kiwanis Summer Picnic
When: August 13th, 4:00 PM - 9 PM
Where: 7126 Shadow Ridge Ct.West Hills, CA 91307
Meeting Location: De Neve Turnaround
Description: Have you never been to a Kiwanis meeting? Or maybe you have? Well whether you been to one or not, this is an opportunity to get to know the Kiwanians on a more personal basis. RSVP by August 10th, Cost is 15 dollars
Facebook Event Page

Hide and Seek in Ikea
When: August 13th, 1PM-5PM
Where: Carson Ikea
Meeting Location: De Neve Turnaround, 12 PM
Contact: Connie Lam (626)607-9569
What: Come hang with Metro and participate in a huge hide and seek and scavenger hunt in the largest "house" you can possibly imagine! Also, this is the perfect opportunity for you to do some back to school shopping.

Lemon-Aid Sale
When: August 4th, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Meeting Location: Bruin Walk, by Ackerman
Contact: Brian Kan (818) 334-0328
Description: Want to help the K-kids fundraise? Want to enjoy a nice cup of lemonade under the hot hot summer? Come out and we going to make some dough for the kids :D
Facebook Event Page

Circle K on Ice!
When: June 28th 1:00pm – 3:30pm
Meeting Location: Meet at KHS Ice Arena (1000 E Cerritos Ave
Anaheim, CA)
Contact: Brian Kan (818) 334-0328
Description: So Cal’s summer too high for you to handle? Why not cool off by going ice skating with other Circle K members! Costs: $10 (includes skates)
Facebook Event Page

Metro Summer Pre Screening DCM
When: June 26
Meeting Location: Dockweiler Beach (Pit location will be between life guard towers 53 and 52 near 2nd parking lot)
Contact: Neil Yonzon (310) 895-8916
At 1pm - Beach Clean Up Service Project
At 3pm - DCM
At 4pm - Social Beach Outting: Beach games, ice cream, ice cold lemonade and hot chocolate!
At 6pm - 9:30 Bonfire Social: BBQ, Potatoe Salade, Smores , Skits, Music and Muscles!
*Digital Scrapbook Sale*
Contact: Diane Santos (562)334-6311
Details: Commemorate the year with the 2010-2011 Digital Scrapbook for only $5!  Relive the memories.

Username: uclacirclek
Password: teamturkey
Check out the “How to Upload to Dotphoto” album once you login for further instructions.


Social Events

*Karaoke and Volcano Tea Social*
When: Thursday, August 25th @ 7:30pm-11:30pm
Where: Sawtelle Area
Meeting Location: Ackerman Terminal
Chair: Elizabeth Ly 714-383-0100
Description: Be the next American Idol as you sing your heart out with karaoke! Then, we will end the night with some delicious drinks at Volcano Tea House! Couldn’t get any better than this! =]

*Meteor Shower*
When: Friday, August 12th @ TBA
Where: TBD, Griffith/Santa Monica Mtns/out in the middle of nowhere!
Meeting Location: DeNeve Turnaround
Chair: Elizabeth Ly 714-383-0100
Description: If you have a wish that you’ve been saving for the longest time, then this is the perfect opportunity to see shooting stars! Who knows? It may even come true! BUT, you have to come out to the social. Remember to bring out your blankets and cozies! =]

*Movie Social*
When: Monday August 8th @ 9:00pm-12:00am
Where: TBD
Meeting Location: Rieber Turnaround
Chair: TBA, Elizabeth Ly 714-383-0100 if you have any questions
Description: Lights, camera, action! Oh wait....we’re only watching a movie! haha jk But yes, come out to this lovely indoor, movie social filled with popcorn, candy, and good company! We will have a plethora of movies to choose from so come on over and help us watch something. OR if you’re dying to watch a particular movie, you should definitely bring it over and we can all enjoy it together! =]

*CA Science Center*
When: Friday, August 5th from 11:30am-6:00pm
Where: CA Science Center near Exposition Park
Meeting Location: Ackerman Terminal
Chair: TBA, but for now, Elizabeth Ly 714-383-0100
Description: We will be going over to the CA Science Center with CSULB! There will be interactive activities and picture perfect locations all for the price of.....FREEEEEEE!!! :DD So you should come out and mingle with CSULB (they’re really nice! I promise!) while enjoying this awesome place!

LACMA: Tim Burton Exhibition
When: July 9th @ 12:00pm-7:00pm
Meeting Location: DeNeve Turnaround
Contact: Elizabeth Ly (714) 383-0100
Description: Have you ever seen the Nightmare Before Christmas or Corpse’s Bride? If you said yes, and you LOVE those movies, then this is the event for you! We will be taking a trip to LACMA to see this once in a lifetime Tim Burton exhibition. Tickets are $20, but if we can get 10 people of more, we can get the group pricing for $15! So let me now ASAP if you want to go! =]

Saffron & Rose Ice Cream
When: July 7th @ 7:30pm-9:00pm
Meeting Location: Bruin Bear
Contact: Elizabeth Ly (714) 383-0100
Description: These long summer nights can only mean one thing......ICE CREAM social time!! :D And we can all feel like queens and kings because the water they use for the ice cream is rose water! Fancy huh?? So come join me and other Circle Kers cool down with some delicious ice cream made for kings and queens! =]