Winter 2012
Circle K International Commercial Contest
-Visitor: What, UCLA Circle K is in a contest? How does it work?
-Site Moderator: Yup! Rules are simple: if you have a can be a judge in this contest by liking and commenting on your favorite videos!
-Visitor: Cool! Where can I see this video and vote?
-Site Moderator: I'm glad you asked. Click here to view our entry! Be sure to "like" it and share it with your friends/family/that-one-person-you've-always-wanted-to-talk-to/etc.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
TurKey Break (Issue 5) RELEASED!
The latest issue of TurKey Break, UCLA Circle K's newsletter made by our Publications Editor, Jennifer Lai, is out! Click here to go to the Newsletter page and check out this issue! (Or any of the older issues!)
Appointed Board Applications (Round 2)
Hey guys! Guess what, there's some leftover appointed board positions for YOU to apply for! Do it now, because they're due Thursday, March 8 at 11:59PM! Here's the app! We are still looking for one Service Chair and one Pillow Fight Chair.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Last Call
This is the last week of the 2011-2012 term! It's time to hit that last stretch with our many Service Events throughout the week! Aim high and raise your MRP Standing before this week's over! If you're interested in signing up, please sign up here!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Are you all excited for District Convention?! Celebrate all of our 2011-2012 achievements at DCON!
District Convention is our district's biggest conference event bringing clubs from schools all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii.
Here's your chance to meet other Circle K members from all over the district. We will be able to take a glimpse at next term's district executive board. At DCON there will be...
- food!
- leadership development workshops
- spirit battles
- award ceremonies
- membership recognition
- talent acts
- a dance
- caucuses for next year's district executive board
It's going to be at the Marriott hotel in Woodland Hills. We'll be staying there from Friday, March 23 to Sunday, March 25. There will be multiple leave times on Friday so don't worry if you have a final on that day.
- Friday, March 23 -> Sunday, March 25
- We will be staying at the Marriott hotel. 4 people to a room.
It's going to be $115 for DCON. This includes two nights at the hotel and all meals. If you pay an extra $2, we will also provide you an energy drink so you do not fall asleep during the general sessions. TRUST, you definitely will need one even if you don't drink energy drinks.
Attendance: $115
Attendance + Energy Drink: $117
Sign-Up here!
Please pay our treasurer, Edwin, on Thursday, February 23 at the general meeting! If you do not pay by that time, it will be more expensive and you will not have a guarantee spot.
Contact: Neil Yonzon / / (310) 954-6422
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Appointed Board Applications
Hey guys! Interested in becoming a part of next year's Appointed Board? Get the application here! Remember that it's due on Thursday, February 23! That's seven days from the time this post was made, which is just one week!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Congratulations to 2012-2013 Executive Board!
Thank you everyone who attended the special Elections General Meeting on Thursday, February 9th, especially those who ran for a position. Without you, it would not have been possible to select next year's executive board. year's 2012-2013 UCLA Circle K Executive Board are:
President: Alexander Pham
Administrative Vice-President: Diane Santos
Service Vice President: Jennifer Zhang
Secretary: Garvey Su
Treasurer: Brian Kan
Friday, February 10, 2012
Service Marathon
Finally done with midterms and want to do something that does not involve studying beforehand? Or are you hoping to attain that MRP Standing you've been dieing to achieve? Well look no further, because this weekend is Service Marathon, where we have lots of action-packed, kid-friendly, pet-loving events for you to sign up for! If you're interested, please look at our special Event Sign-Ups just for this weekend's Service Marathon here!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Crab Feed
Hungry for some good seafood, but want more than just shrimp from Boiling Crab for a good deal? Then come to Crab Feed! It's AYCE (All-You-Can-Eat)! All proceeds go towards Not For Sale, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of human and sex trafficking and abolishing slavery. So register, come, and get as many crabs as you want! =]
Pre-sale cost (register by Feb. 15):
Adults: $25
Students: $20
Kids: $10
At-the-door cost:
Adults: $30
Students: $25
Kids: $15
Click here for pre-sale registration!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Mr. CKI Beauty Pageant
UCI Circle K presents its second annual Mr. CKI male beauty pageant!
Mr. CKI at UCI will not be a normal beauty pageant, but a silly rendition of one where all male candidates will be taking part in a "question section", a "future career section", and a "talent section". This will be a district fundraising event to raise money for the Eliminate Project. Find out who's representing UCLA and Metro and come cheer them on!
If you're interested in attending, please sign-up on our online Events Sign-Up page. This event will cost $8 if you sign up and confirm by this Tuesday, January 22, 2012. If you decide to attend after the Tuesday deadline, you may still attend but with the on-site price of $10. Please pay during the general meeting this Thursday night.
Extreme Makeover CKI Edition Application
Welcome to the Extreme Makeover CKI Edition Application!
Please fill out everything as thoroughly as possible. The Extreme Makeover fundraiser is a chance for you to develop a side that you've always wanted or that you've never had before. It's a fun opportunity to show others the potential you have. A team of experts will be assigned to assist in creating your makeover. Your new look will be presented on Thursday, Feb. 23 at the general meeting. There you will strut your stuff and show off to the crowd, culminating in an auction by the end of the meeting for people to bid to have dinner or lunch with you.
The Extreme Makeover is a fundraiser for the Eliminate Project, an organization headed by the Kiwanis organization and UNICEF. It seeks to eliminate terminal maternal and neo-natal tetanus, a disease which costs the lives of 60,000 babies and a significant number of women each year.
*NOTE: If you get chosen:
1. You must dedicate time before the general meeting on Thursday, Feb. 23.
2. You must be present at the general meeting on Thursday, Feb. 23.
3. Pay the $20 fee that will go to our fundraiser.
4. Must participate in the dinner/lunch date auction.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, February 2 by 11:59pm
Application link
Facebook Event
If you're interested in joining the team of experts who will be conducting the makeover, please fill out this application
For questions or comments, please contact Neil Yonzon (310) 954-6422 or Garvey Su (626) 636-6299.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Winter General Meetings
Yo! Interested in our general meetings? Our General Meetings for the Winter 2012 quarter are on Thursdays at 6:30PM in Kinsey Pavilion 1220B! Whether you're a returning member or a new member checking out the club, feel free to just show up and see what we have in store for you!
Friday, January 13, 2012
First General Meeting
Hope you guys had a long, relaxing Winter Break! Our first general meeting is on Thursday, January 12, 2011 from 6:30-7:30PM at Kinsey Pavilion 1220B! Please note the time and room change (The meetings start 30 minutes later and are located next door to our normal meetings last quarter).
Monday, January 9, 2012
Fall 2011
Pillow Fight Website

Pillow Fight website's up! Check it out! Be sure to register as soon as you check it out too before you forget! =]
Winter Break Events

Bored during Winter Break? So are we...sort of...not really. Why? Because there's lots of fun Winter Break events to go to! From Gingerbread House making socials to Rose Parade Float Decorating, there's so many things to do! Check out our calendar for all of our events!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Mentorship Program
Interested in our new mentorship program? Complete this form by November 13th to be a mentor or mentee!
It'll be a bonding experience with...
-People with different interests
-People with similar interests
So what are you waiting for? Sign up to become a mentor/mentee now!
New Member Manual
ZOMG! Check out our new member manual! For UCLA Circle K New Member's eyes only!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Caption This
Hey everybody! Missed out on yesterday's meeting and/or forgot what the Caption This photo looked like? Well look no further because Caption This is now on the website! Don't know what it is? Click here to find out!
133 Dues Paid Members
Word on the street is that we hit 133 Dues Paid Members after yesterday's meeting! We haven't reached that amount in a long time, and with more members comes more chances to meet different people and create more unforgetable relationships! Thank you all for joining UCLA Circle K, all of our hard work is for all you members out there and we will try our best to make this club and your college experience many times better!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Key to College
Time: Saturday, October 22 · 9:00am - 5:00pm
Location: UCLA Campus: Haines A2, Haines A28, Haines A74 and Haines A76; 308 Westwood Plaza
Key Clubs: 1, 3, 10 N/S, 13 N/S, 16, 19 N/S, 25 W/E
KIWIN'S: Crystal, Diamond
Learn everything you need to know about getting into college, and what to do once you're here! Get advice from Circle K'ers who have been through it all. Participate in a campus tour, various workshops, fun and games, a raffle, a question & answer panel, and even a service project at the end! And the best part? It's absolutely FREE.
You're probably wondering: why should I make the trek out all the way to UCLA? Well, this event is personally very important to me. I was once a senior key clubber as well (D10S!) and attending UCLA's Key to College made me realize that I really wanted to attend UCLA afterall. However, we are not just promoting UCLA at this event. We are showcasing different types of colleges all around the LA area-- from community to Cal State to privates!
Key To College Agenda
· 9am-10:30am: Registration/Icebreakers/G ames in Auditorium
· 10:30am-11:30am: Tour of Campus/Dorms
· 11:30am-12:15 PM: Lunch
· 12:30pm-3:15pm: Workshops
· 2:45PM-4PM: College 101/Q&A Panel/Raffle
· 4:00PM-5PM: Service Project
Food will be provided. Parking costs: $11 at Lot 4. Parking Lot Map
Registration begins at 9:00 AM. There will be volunteers directing students to Haines from Ackerman Turnaround and from Lot 4.
Workshops available: College 101, Financial Aid, SAT's, Personal Statements (Bring your personal statement if you'd like it to be revised!), Dance, Leadership, and Photography
Please Pre-Register here
Club Presidents: Bring the ERF signed by your faculty advisor. Don't know what I'm talking about? Let me know!
Check out our Facebook Event!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Daily Digest
Forgot to check your e-mail? Don't worry, UCLA Circle K's Daily Digest is updated. What's Daily Digest? It's our weekly e-mail full of our latest information sent out weekly to all you guys! Don't get the Daily Digest and want to receive it? E-mail and just say so!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
2011-2012 Membership Application & Dues

Hey everybody! The 2011-2012 Membership Application is up! Check out our Downloads page as well, because it's our first download link for this year! The cost for dues is $30. So be sure to bring $30 with your application to any general meeting, or contact our Treasurer, Edwin Tang, to turn the application in.
So why pay dues?
With these dues you are getting an unforgettable year full of service, making new friends, and building memories. The dues also include insurance to cover any liabilities when traveling from event to event and allow access to all the resources that Circle K has to offer. You will only be able to attend both district and international events such as Fall Training Conference, District Convention and International Convention as a paid dues member. Circle K International is the #1 service organization in the world. Our Circle K here at UCLA was given the rank of #2 in Total Achievement in all of Circle K International this past year and has consistently ranked at the top throughout the years. You can be part of this winning tradition at UCLA Circle K and establish your place in the Kiwanis family.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Second General Meeting

Hey everyone! Did you all enjoy the First General Meeting?! No matter what your answer is, be sure to check out our Second General Meeting! Please note the change in room, it is not in Moore 100 like the First General Meeting, but in Kinsey Pavillion 1240B instead. Same day, same time as last week's meeting though! We're going to have booths/stations for this upcoming meeting explaining about all the different committees within UCLA Circle K, so get a head start on getting involved and developing your leadership skills in Circle K now by attending this meeting!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Welcome to our newly, remodeled site!

After a large amount of planning and work, I present you guys with our remade website! This website is made so that whether you are a member, chair, Kiwanian, or a normal visitor to the site, you will find what you need in the simplest, easiest way possible. The website goes according to our theme for this year, Jurassic Park, a theme we collectively as a board decided before the 2011-2012 school year. I hope you find what you need and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me with the information located on our Contact Board page!
-Rich Ung
Thursday, September 22, 2011
First General Meeting!

Hey everybody! Excited for the new school year? So are we! Come and check out our first general meeting! It's on Thursday, September 29 at 6PM in Moore 100. So whether you're a new freshman or a returning 4-year Circle K-er, check out what's in store for you this year in Circle K!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Fall Training Conference Opportunities
Hello all,
Happy September! Although FTC is still two months away, there are a couple important dates for this upcoming month for everyone, especially for general members.
One of the main ways general members are able to contribute as leaders at FTC is by becoming a workshop host. There are many different workshops they can lead or even co-host... They can even suggest a workshop they are confident they can lead well! There will be info-sessions and a workshop host manual to help those who have not led a workshop before in the past.
Info-sessions will be held Sept. 8 & Sept. 14 at 9pm (click here for the Facebook event)
Workshop host applications are due Sept. 21 at 10pm (click here for Facebook event)
FTC Committee is also looking for a student DJ for our traditional Saturday night dance at FTC! If you know anyone who would be interested, please refer them to the application on the district website. If they get chosen to DJ for the event, they will have their FTC registration ($111) covered!
DJ applications are due Sept. 30 at 11:59pm (click here for Facebook event)
Members can also participate in FTC through talent acts and skits. If any of your club's members has a special talent they'd like to share, make you you encourage them to apply! They can also become involved in any skits (remember, skits are not limited to the club, you may have a divisional skit or a skit with one or more other clubs).
Skit and Talent Act applications are found here and are due on Oct. 14 by 10pm
Please feel free to email if you have any questions.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Vote Now!

Hey everyone! UCLA Circle K needs your help! We are in the running for a $5000 grant to help with Pillow Fight this year! All you have to do is Vote for us each day via Pepsi Login, text, or Facebook! What's even more fantastic is that we get extra votes for using Codes from Pepsi drinks!
For more details, check out our Facebook Event!
Saturday, September 3, 2011