Technology Committee
What We Do:
Tech Committee is responsible for everything tech-related to the club! In terms of our club, this mainly involves the creation/maintenance of our club website and the production of meeting videos as well as other forms of multimedia! Our website is an important resource for people both within and without the club to keep updated, so maintaining it and maximizing functionality is definitely an important job. Also, we create meeting videos to inform the members in an entertaining way :)
How You Can Get Involved:
As with all other committees, attend our committee meetings! During these meetings, we discuss possible features to add to the website and brainstorm/script/film/produce meeting videos! If you are very skilled in applications such as Photoshop or fluent in html/css/javasript or have a talent for directing and producing videos, tech committee can definitely use your help in producing the projects that really add a delightful flavor to our club! :] We're also looking for script writers and actors/actresses! Even if you just want to do it for fun, we want you to star in our next video :D
Committee Meetings every odd week: Mondays, 7-8pm (All meetings are in Rieber 147/149 depending on availability)
Chair: Albert Lam